21 November 2009

Now available: the first two chapbooks

They are: 'Some People,' a story by Chris Diken which takes place mostly in the men's room of an art museum and which is about true love, a handbook designed for those interested in understanding what it takes to go from onlooker to looked-upon.

'Flight Patterns' is the first of three connected poems by Stan Mir--a poet who has his first two books coming out in early 2010, but JR published him first. ('Flight Patterns' is nearly forty pages! I mean it's almost not even a chapbook at that point.)

These two chapbooks juxtapose one another by disagreeing in every aspect save for the remarkable quality of the writing, complementing each other nicely.

The regular editions (ninety copies printed) of the books are $3 each (to cover postage--everything costs so much these days that JR wants these as inexpensive as possible) payable by Paypal to scottbryanwilson (at) gmail (dot) com. The signed & numbered editions (there are ten of each) are $10 but are almost all gone so email first before ordering. (And if you want your chapbook signed by the author, JR sees them regularly enough that he can probably get your regular edition signed as well.) JR will release (fingers crossed) four books per year, two each of fiction and poetry. Next up: Matthew Derby's shattering memoir 'The Snipe'* as well as Stan Mir's 'Test Patterns.'

Chris Diken is mostly playing music right now, check out his bands (and buy his two previous chapbooks) at uninhabitablemansions.com and http://uninhabitablemansions.com/RadicalDads/.

Stan Mir's two books will be available in 2010 from Pavement Saw and Subito -- check out his blog here.

Matt Derby's excellent book of short stories, Super Flat Times, is available from Powell's, Amazon, you know, 'wherever good books are sold.'


*Just kidding, JR would never publish a shattering memoir